Art Monthly Event

The Producers Pt II

Achim Borchardt-Hume & Paul Goodwin

Chaired by Laura Sillars

Achim Borchardt-Hume (director of exhibitions at Tate Modern) and Paul Goodwin (independent curator and urban theorist, UAL chair of contemporary art & urbanism and director of the Transnational Art, Identity and Nation Research Centre) discuss themes of conflict, recalcitrance and the ‘undercommons’. Chaired by Laura Sillars, director of MIMA.

Talk 3 of ‘The Producers Part II: New Positions on Curating’ devised by Uta Kögelsberger of Newcastle University and Chris McCormack of Art Monthly, with the generous support and input of staff at the Hatton Gallery, from the School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University and from Art Monthly.

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