Index: B

  • B.OPENED feature on Baltic opening exhibition by Paul Usherwood 1/259
  • BLK Group review by Margaret Garlake 13/75
  • Babe Power see Barbara Pollack
  • babel review by David Briers 39/230
  • Bach, Michael review by Nick Trench 23/176
  • Back to Black: art, cinema and the racial imaginary review by Marcus Verhagen 28/ 288
  • Back in the USSR see Sarah James
  • Back to the Land see John Haldane
  • Bacon, Francis review by Andrew Brighton 3/88; feature by Mikhail Sokolov 3/121; estate, see Artlaw
  • Bad Girls review by Michael Archer 3/173
  • Bad Timing see David Barrett
  • Baddeley, Oriana Art in Latin America 10/127
  • Badovinac, Zdenka on art in the new millennium 6/232
  • Baer, Jack book review of Geraldine Norman (ed), The Fakes Progress 22/11
  • Baer, Jo review by Willis Domingo 14/12
  • Baghdad/Space Cog/Analyst review by Marcus Verhagen 31/319
  • Bailey, David A, Baucom, Ian and Boyce, Sonia (eds) Shades of Black, Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain , book review by Eddie Chambers 46/ 288
  • Bailey, Martin Young Vincent: The Story of Van Gogh‚Äôs Years in England,book review by Melissa McQuillan 27/136
  • Baker, Chris review by Mel Gooding 16/94
  • Baker, Deborah review by Peter Dormer 12/47
  • Baker, Kenneth review of Rosemarie Trockel 19/150, art in California 16/151; on public art funding 2/159
  • Baker, Steve The Postmodern Animal, book review by Neal Brown 45/237
  • Bakewell, Joan Art on television 2/110
  • Balch, Ian profile by Sam Ainsley 22/253
  • Baldessari, John review by Michael Archer 24/117, Liam Gillick 3/187; Paul Claydon 29/255, Patricia Bickers 25/ 292 Seeing the World Askance: interview with Simon Patterson 1/331
  • Baldry, H C The Case for the Arts,book review by Robert Hutchison 25/55
  • Balfour, Nancy book review of Nick Netzer, The Subsidised Muse 33/22; letters 20/76
  • Balka, Miroslaw: Nothere review by Krzysztof Cieszkowski 34/324
  • Balla, Giacomo review by Richard Cork 11/110
  • Bally, Niel review of Cologne Fair 24/72
  • Baltic opening exhibition see Paul Usherwood 1/259 ; exhibition policy by Paul Usherwood 42/309
  • Banana Republic review by David Burrows 45/199
  • Banash, Joan and Ashton, Dore (eds) The Writings of Robert Motherwell, book review by Marjorie Welish 40/313
  • Bandwagon Jumping review by Nick Crowe 35/262
  • Banham, Joanna Women and art education 2/62
  • Banham, Mary, Barker, Paul, Lyall, Sutherland and Price, Cedric A Critic Writes. Essays by Reyner Banham, book review by Graham Whitham 45/208
  • Banham, Reyner see Mary Banham
  • BANK review by Gilda Williams 39/219; letters 19/222; review by David Burrows 30/222; review by Gilda Williams 35/256
  • Banks, Glynn In defence of common knowledge: post-modernism in architecture 23/63; Mulheimer Freiheit 22/73; Polemics 32/72, 27/80, 31/81; letters 20/84; review by Brian Hatton 14/101
  • Banks, Joe book review of Allen S Weiss, Experimental Sound and Radio 47/250
  • Banks, Tony interview by Peter Dormer 32/48
  • Bann, Stephen Criticism in the eighties 3/13; Polemic: Pier and Ocean 24/37; review of John McLaughlin 11/47, Michael Kidner 12/65; interview with Anthony Hill 5/66, review of Malcolm Hughes 11/67; book review of Harry Holtzman (ed), The new art - the new life: the collected writings of Piet Mondrian, Carel Blotkamp, De Stijl: the formative years 23/109 ; review of Naum Gabo 3/139; with William Allen, Interpreting Contemporary Art, book review by Conor Joyce 23/149; book review of Briony Fer, On abstract art 32/213; book review of John Golding, Paths to the Absolute: Mondrian, Malevich, Kandinsky, Pollock, Newman, Rothko and Still 50/246
  • Banner, Fiona review by David Barrett 27/184; profile by David Barrett 20/194; The Nam, book review by Stephen Bury 46/207; review by Michael Ellis 30/220; All the World‚Äôs Fighter Planes 2004 , artists‚Äô book review by Stephen Bury 37/ 287; review by Maria Walsh 24/297
  • Banner, Fiona/Lislegaard, Ann review by Emma Safe 33/257
  • Banner, Fiona/Smith, Bridget review by Juan Cruz 30/207
  • Baranik, Rudolf The Nigger Drawings 27/29; Fuller and Berger 26/60; letters 22/86; obituary for Lawrence Alloway 35/134
  • Barber, George: Beyond Language, Selected Video Works 1983-2008 review by Martin Herbert 42/328
  • Barbican Centre review of 2/170
  • Barcelona Art Report by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti 30/249
  • Barclay, Claire review by Euan McArthur 29/180; profile by Elisabeth Mahoney 20/217; review by Sotiris Kyriacou 50/236, Sarah Tripp 38/270
  • Barclays Young Artist Award 1993 review by Liam Gillick 21/164
  • Barker, Barry review of Venice Biennale 2/98, Yves Klein 3/183, Sigmar Polke 3/184, Wild at Heart 12/186; obituary of Konrad Fischer 19/203; review of Piero Manzoni 1/215, Lucio Fontana 30/232
  • Barker, Clive review by George Melly 12/21
  • Barker, Paul, Banham, Mary, Lyall, Sutherland and Price, Cedric A Critic Writes: Essays by Reyner Banham, book review by Graham Whitham 45/208
  • Barlow, Paul book review of Dick Pountain and David Robbins, Cool Rules 42/245; review of Mekons: OOOH! (Out Of Our Heads) 34/250
  • Barnett, Alan W Community Murals, book review by Toni del Renzio 30/89
  • Barnett, Anthony review of Ghisha Koenig 20/97; The shape of labour 4/100; The hand of God 5/102; The art of being British 9/104; letters 30/106; Behold Epstein 3/109; review of Tony Cragg 42/204
  • Barney, Matthew review by Mark Sladen 8/187, 1/217, Polly Staple 48/234
  • Barney, Matthew review by Mark Prince 26/258
  • Baron, Wendy The Camden Town Group, book review by Charles Harrison 26/39
  • Barraclough, Steve review by Margaret Garlake 14/76
  • Barrell, John The Dark Side of the Landscape, book review by Conrad Atkinson 22/37
  • Barrett, Cyril review of Bill Culbert/Liliane Lijn 19/4; The Richards Report 13/5; book review of Irma B Jaffe, The Sculpture of Leonard Baskin 33/42; Ghisha Koenig 8/50; ROSC ‚Äò84 11/80, Coming of Age 4/120; Roy Johnston 11/87; Dublin Letter 6/98; New gallery at Warwick University 20/103; book review of Umberto Eco, Art and beauty in the middle ages 26/103; review of Directions Out 23/106; letters 28/106; review of Eighty European Painters 14/113; letters 31/122; on Museum of Modern Art, Dublin 28/140; on Ireland 24/143; on Arts Council of Northern Ireland 11/148; letters 32/165; obituary of Ghisha Koenig 34/171; letters 35/174, 38/200, 17/202; Open submission: on art in Dublin 45/202; book review of Liam Kelly, Thinking Long ‚Äì Contemporary Art in Northern Ireland 44/211; obituary 15/ 274
  • Barrett, David review of Making Mischief 35/182; profile of Hadrian Pigott 30/183; review of Fiona Banner/Matthew Higgs/Jaki Irvine/Frieda Munro 27/184, Erika Rothenberg/Tracy Tynan 28/185, Contained/ Minky-Manky 30/186, Kerry Stewart/Peter Owen 33/187, Damien Hirst 37/188, Matthew Higgs & Imprint 93 45/189, Paul Noble/Gavin Brown/Amikam Toren/Jemima Stehli & Jean Baptiste Bruant/Sharon Lockhart/Paul Noble/Giorgio Sadotti/Gillian Wearing 28/191, House no Garden project 33/192; profile of Ceal Floyer 22/193, Fiona Banner 20/194; review of Kiss This 33/195, Sex and Drugs and Explosives 29/196, High-Rise 28/197, Private View 36/198; profile of Elizabeth Wright 24/199; Art ain‚Äôt wot it used to be 32/200, letters 19/201, 15/205; review of Jason Coburn 28/201, Tom Friedman 27/202, Gary Hill 22/203, Dissolution 27/204, Jacqueline Pennell 32/205, Andrea & Philippe 30/206, Tracey Emin 36/207, New Contemporaries 97 37/208, Glen Seator 35/209, Don Brown 34/210, John Coplans 34/210, Ideas for Sale/Supastore 38/211, First LEA Gallery Exhibition 33/212, Chad McCail 25/215, Rob Kesseler/Nike Savvas 42/216, Henry Bond 33/217, Angela de la Cruz 34/218, New Art from Britain, Innsbruck 7/219; letters 13/220; review of Surfacing ‚Äì Contemporary Drawing 27/221; letters 19/222; book review of David Phillips, Exhibiting Authenticity,and Anthony Hughes and Erich Ranfft (eds), Sculpture and its Reproductions 44/221; review of David Musgrave 34/222, Gerard Hemsworth 23/223, Gregory Crewdson 26/224, Chris Burden 25/226; ‚ÄòTrade Wins‚Äô, on 48th Venice Biennale 1/228; review of Adam Chodzko 29/229, Graham Ellard & Stephen Johnstone 45/230, New Contemporaries 99 30/231, 54 x 54 x 54, 210 x 297, Porcupines/Arthinking, Readymade Project 47/232; letters 9/232; review of Typeofgravy 26/267, 50th Venice Biennale 28/268, The Office 31/ 273, Wonderful: Visions of the Near Future 34/ 275 , Apopalyptical 27/ 276, Like Beads on an Abacus Designed to Calculate Infinity 21/277, Siobh√°n Hapaska 34/ 278; profile of Richard Hughes 18/ 281; review of The Relaxed Audience or Why We Are So Wise 33/ 282, Pass the Time of Day 21/284, Motohiko Odani, Joe Gilmore & Andrea Polli 29/ 287, Summer of Love 26/ 288 , Presence 26/ 289, Bridget Smith 39/ 292, Neil Zakiewicz 35/293, Flimflam 23/294, Tate Triennial 24/296, Everything Must Go 26/296, If it didn‚Äôt exist you‚Äôd have to invent it: a partial Showroom history 26/296, Until it makes sense 25/297, From There 35/298, East International 2006 28/299, Civil Restitutions 29/300, Suzanne Treister 29/302, John Armleder 36/304, Mike Kelley 36/304, Momentary Momentum 27/305, Prison 27/306, Stay forever and ever and ever 29/307, Christina Mackie 31/308, New Contemporaries 30/310, Cornelia Parker 32/311 review of Louise Lawler 37/313, Double Agent 29/314, If – people and places in recent film and video 28/316, Zombie Surfers 28/317; interview with Adam Chodzko 1/318; review of Games & Theory 30/319, Hilary Lloyd 31/320; winter reading 38/322; review of Mark Leckey in the Long Tail 37/324; summer reading 40/328; review of Shake It: An Instant History of the Polaroid 20/331; winter reading 09 36/332
  • Barriball, Anna profile by Sally O‚ÄôReilly 22/268 review by Laura McLean-Ferris 32/324
  • Barron, Stephanie (ed) German Expressionism 1915-1925, book review by Frank Whitford 28/128
  • Barr-Smith, Adrian book reviews of Andrew Phillips, Charitable Status 24/37, Aaron Milrad and Ella Agnew, The Art World: Law and Business Practice in Canada 32/41; Art and Architecture 15/55; interview with Lawrence Harbottle 42/100
  • Barter, Ruth review of Doubletake 16/155
  • Barthelmeh, Volker Street Murals, book review by Peter Cork 27/64
  • Barthes, Roland Camera Lucida,book review by Donald Brook 24/55; see Alex Coles 7/263
  • Basar, Shumon and Miessen, Markus (eds) Did Someone Say Participate? An Atlas of Spatial Practice, book review by Kathy Battista 32/305
  • Basar, Shumon book review of Rick Poynor, Designing Pornotopia 33/305 Letter from Iceland 48/318
  • Baselitz, Georg review by Michael Newman 16/62, Jill Lloyd 13/113, Toni del Renzio 39/178
  • Baseman, Jordan profile by John Tozer 22/197; Shup, review by Cathy Courtney 38/224
  • Batchelor, David review of Lawrence Weiner 21/133; review by Briony Fer 41/204; Minimalism, book review by Mel Gooding 34/213; Chromophobia, review by Alex Coles 49/246 Colour, book review by Marjorie Welish 34/317
  • Bath Festival Contemporary Art Fair review by David Briers 19/48
  • Bathroom Critic, The feature on criticism by Alex Coles 7/263
  • Batty, Lolly review by Mark Wilsher 36/247
  • Battista, Kathy book review of Jonathan Rabagliati (ed) George Hanson Critical Forum , David Osbaldeston (ed) On Communication, Matthew Arnatt and Matthew Collings, Criticism 36/ 291 , letters 15/292; book review of Markus Miessen and Shumon Basar, Did Someone Say Participate? An Atlas of Spatial Practice 32/305 Letter from UAE: report on Sharjah Biennial 38/327; review of PLOT09: This World & Nearer Ones 18/329, Spencer Finch: The River That Flows Both Ways 18/329, Dress Codes: 3rd ICP Triennial of Photography and Video 35/331
  • Baucom, Ian, Bailey, David A and Boyce, Sonia (eds) Shades of Black, Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain , book review by Eddie Chambers 46/ 288
  • Baudrillard, Jean extract from System of Objects 5/115
  • Bauhaus 1919-1933 review by Teresa Gleadowe 36/313
  • Bauhaus Dessau review by Andrew Wilson 40/237
  • Baumgarten, Lothar review by Paul Usherwood 25/176
  • Baumgartner, Christiane: Solaris review by David Trigg 34/323
  • Baxter, Michael review by Margaret Garlake 18/64
  • Baxter, Ronald review of A Thoroughbred Exhibition: Age of Chivalry 28/112
  • Be Here Now see Adam E Mendelsohn
  • Be Me review of/by Giorgio Sadotti 27/201
  • Beacon Art Project review by Dean Kenning 42/312
  • Beagles & Ramsay review by David Burrows 23/213, Sally O‚ÄôReilly 22/267 review by Dean Kenning 26/322
  • Beagles, John and Beech, Dave ‚ÄòAll You Need is Love‚Äô on Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons 1/233
  • Beard, Steve Perfumed Head,review by Cathy Courtney 47/219
  • Beard, Steve and Halford, Victoria Czar 52 Crash, review by Stephen Bury 37/328
  • Beardsley, Aubrey review by Melissa E Feldman 38/222
  • Beasley, Mark review of Simon Starling 38/246, Birmingham 41/249, Gelatin, Nellanutella, The B-Thing, Thomas Hirschhorn, Material: Public Works ‚Äì The Bridge 2000 45/251; review of Keith Tyson 29/254, Exchange, New Originals 38/255
  • Beaumont, Mary-Rose Contemporary art in Malaysia 20/101
  • Beaumont, Tim A Liberal Policy for the Arts 1/5; Politicians and the Arts 3/14
  • Beautiful Inside My Head Forever see Artlaw
  • Beban, Breda review by Catherine Elwes 32/179, David Briers 35/238, Martin Herbert 28/266
  • Because a Fire Was in My Head review by Gilda Williams 42/236
  • Becher, Bernd & Hilla review by Sotiris Kyriacou 29/243; obituary by Ian Hunt 17/309
  • Beck‚Äôs Futures review by Cherry Smyth 45/236
  • Beck, Martin Panel 2, review by Colin Perry 25/321
  • Becker, Howard S Art Worlds, book review by Toni del Renzio 27/63
  • Beckett, Wendy Contemporary Women Artists, book review by Margaret Garlake 28/127
  • Become Like Me review by Nicky Bird 38/234
  • Be(com)ing Dutch review by Paul O’Neill 22/320
  • Bedwell, Simon review by Andrew Hunt 31/307
  • Beech, Dave review by Robert Garnett 39/201; review of David Shrigley 29/204, Lucy Gunning 28/205, Keith Tyson 38/207, Sociable Realism 29/214, Paul Noble 24/215, Chris Ofili 31/217, What Difference Does It Make? 37/218, Mariko Mori 35/219, Diving for Pearls / Kling Klang 13/221, Jonathan Monk 32/222, Fun de Si√®cle 40/223; letters 20/224; review of Andreas Gursky 31/224; Feature on video art 7/225; letters 17/225, 14/226; review of Martin Creed 24/226, Drive By 30/227, East International & Riverside 20/229, Francesca Woodman, Sarah Jones 36/230, newBUILD 32/231, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Sophy Rickett, Blue Suburban Skies, Gillian Wearing 44/232; feature co-written with John Beagles on Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons 1/233; review of Donald Parsnips Daily Journal 39/233, Mike Nelson 36/234; review by JJ Charlesworth 27/235; feature on sculpture in the Millennium Dome 1/237; profile of Hayley Newman 22/238; review of New Contemporaries 2000 24/240, Georgina Starr 32/240, Thomson & Craighead 41/242, Michael Landy 30/244, Jeremy Deller 37/248, The Communications Department 33/249; review of David Burrows 45/253, Nausea: Encounters with Ugliness 30/258; Location: UK 28/259, letters 13/261; review of Santiago Sierra, Stephen Willats, Swetlana Heger/Roland Boden/Nick Crowe 35/260, Ben Fitton 24/261, Cornford & Cross 23/262; The A-Z of Nowhere, profile of Tim Brennan 18/264; book review of Terry Eagleton, After Theory 42/276, Neil Mulholland, The Cultural Devolution: Art in Britain in the Late Twentieth Century 41/ 277; review of The Art of the Encounter: Nicolas Bourriaud 46/278; letters 19/279, 14-15/280; review of Gregor Schneider 28/282; Art‚Äôs Debunkers: feature on Art Incorporated, The story of Contemporary Art by Julian Stallabrass 1/283, The Art of Skill: feature 1/ 290 , 39/291, Institutionalisation for all: feature 7/294, Forget Elitism: feature 1/296, 19/297, Shock v Awe: feature 1/300, The Politics of Beauty: feature 5/306, Autonomy v Barbarism: feature 1/309; letters 16/310 Include me out! Feature 1/315, letters 13/316; Recovering Radicalism: feature 7/323, letters 13/324, 16/326; book review of Oliver Ressler and Aneta Szylak (eds) Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies 35/325; Inside Out, on the fall of public art: feature 1/329; book review of Roger Scruton, Beauty 35/332
  • Beecroft, Vanessa review by Cherry Smyth 33/240
  • Beech, Dave & Burrows, David review by Robert Garnett 39/201
  • Beek, Robert van book review of Gail Levin, Edward Hopper 31/45
  • Beelden Buiten Tielt review by Timothy Foster 24/139
  • Beeton, Peter review by Sean Cubitt 31/180
  • Before the End (The Last Painting Show) review by Michael Corris 25/ 282
  • Begg, Torie review by Sotiris Kyriacou 35/195
  • Behind a theoretical Iron Curtain see Sarah James
  • Behrman, Pryle review of Orbis Terrarum ‚Äì Ways of Worldmaking 45/240, Landscape 28/241, Julian Opie 31/244, Keith Wilson 30/247, Dalziel + Scullion 41/255, Berlin-London Gallery Swap 45/258 Kutlug Ataman 29/264, Thomas Ruff 33/268, The Distance Between You and Me 27/269, Manifesta 5 28/278, 1st Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art 18/284, The Condition of England 25/287, Venice Biennale 1 22/288, Universalism at Stake: Dialogue with Senghor 21/289, Lyons Biennale 2005 21/291, Yang Fudong 37/296; Here There and Elsewhere: feature on Middle Eastern art 1/298, In search of the Ideal Biennale: feature 5/301, InternationalArt plc: feature on Venice and Documenta 5/308, Fair or Foul: feature on art fairs 11/311 review of Folkestone Triennial, Tatton Park Biennial 24/319, Liverpool Biennial 28/321, Figuring Landscapes 41/328, Quiet Revolution 24/329, Lyon Biennale: The Spectacle of the Everyday 28/331
  • Beier, Nina & Lund, Marie review by Jennifer Thatcher 24/321
  • Beke, Lazio Towards a Voluntaristic Art Criticism 3/26
  • Bel, Jérôme review by Sally O’Reilly 37/315
  • Bell, Harriet review by Monica Bohm-Duchen 23/139
  • Bell, Trevor review by Margaret Garlake 17/142
  • Belladonna review by Mark Sladen 36/204
  • Bellany, John review by Martin Green 16/14, Peter Fuller 14/65
  • Belton, Kate review by Juan Cruz 34/209
  • Belvedere review by Deborah Schultz 36/235
  • Belvedere for Bellever Forest 7/107
  • Belleville or Manhattan? by Andrew Wilson 12/260
  • Bellingham, David Ideas Leave Objects Standing, review by Stephen Bury 35/295
  • Ben-Tor, Tamy review by Maria Walsh 22/317
  • Bendon, Helen & Lansley, Jo review by David Briers 37/246
  • Beneath The Paving Stones: Situationists & The Beach, May 1968 book review by Stewart Home 45/250
  • Benjamin, Walter, A pasta de review by Andrew Wilson 33/172
  • Bennett, Gordon review by Eddie Chambers 26/233
  • Benthall, Jonathan 50 min. with Nam June Paik 7/121
  • Bentley, D New York Notes 19/56
  • Benton, Charlotte review of Lubetkin and Tecton 11/55
  • Beres, Jerzy Performance, review by Caroline Wilkinson 31/121
  • Berg, Adrian review by Peter Fuller 8/42
  • Bergen Biennial Conference report by Teresa Gleadowe 36/331
  • Berger, John A Painter of Our Time,book review by Peter Fuller 13/4; The Success and Failure of Picasso,book review by Brandon Taylor 29/41; About Looking, book review by Donald Brook 28/45; letters 32/112; Raising Hell and Telling Stories, conversation with Janine Burke 3/124; letters 22/125; review by Raymond Durgnat 24/147; TV series Ways of Seeing, review by John A Walker 3/154; Cathy Courtney 40/182 Selected Essays, ed G Dyer, book review by Adrian Lewis 42/260
  • Berger, John and Christie, John I Send You This Cadmium Red, review by Cathy Courtney 44/237
  • Berger, Sybille obituary 13/319
  • Berggruen collection: welcomed addition review by Iain Robertson 21/149
  • Berlin produzentengalerien Sarah James 40/314
  • Berlin ‚Äì London 01 review by Mark Wilsher 41/248
  • Berlin 1990 review by Mark Thomson 3/142
  • Berlin Akademies by David Evans 31/159
  • Berlin-London Gallery Swap review by Pryle Behrman 45/258
  • Berlin: Public v Private Axel Lapp 44/316
  • Berlin Biennale 1 feature by Patricia Bickers 1/222; review of Berlin Biennale 2 Axel Lapp 8/247, Berlin Biennale 3, Michael Corris 21/ 275 ; letters 18/ 276; 4th Berlin Biennale review by Axel Lapp 20/296 Berlin Biennial 5th: When things cast no shadow: Day review by Teresa Gleadowe 34/316 review by Sarah James 36/316
  • Berlin in transition by Anke Kempkes 2/163
  • Berlin, Letter from see Richard Grayson
  • Berlin ‚Äì London 01 review by Mark Wilsher 41/248
  • Berlin, on the reconstruction of by Thomas Wulffen 12/209
  • Berlin, Sven review by Peter Davies 3/52
  • Berlin Round-Up see Sara Harrison, Sally O‚ÄôReilly, Sarah James.
  • Bermondsey Artists Group review by Jessica Wilkes 23/78
  • Bernard, Bruce The Impressionist revolution, book review by Colin Cruise 26/103
  • Bernard, Cindy review by Julian Stallabrass 12/187
  • Berry, Kenneth letters 30/73, 22/84
  • Berthot, Jake review by Michael Archer 21/27
  • Berthoud, Roger Graham Sutherland: a biography, book review by Bernard Denvir 25/62
  • Berwick Ramparts Project review by Sarah Greenberg 43/199
  • Besset, Maurice Le Corbusier, to live with the light, book review by Bill Homes 28/108
  • Best, Anna Occasional Sights: a London guidebook of missed opportunities and things that aren‚Äôt always there, review by Stephen Bury 40/275
  • Betterton, Rosemary review of Lesley Sanderson 32/184
  • Between Letters and Abstraction review by Martin Herbert 33/ 284
  • Beuys will be Beuys see Michael Archer 7/31
  • Beuys, Joseph review by Owen Griffiths 10/40, Lynne Cook 11/56, 15/69; John Latham and Richard Hamilton 9/94; review by Jill Lloyd 11/111; interview by William Furlong 1985 7/112; review by Vera Frenkel 12/117; review by Andrew Wilson 14/155; Heiner Stachelhaus, Joseph Beuys,book review by Stuart Morgan 22/155; review by Brian Hatton 34/172; Multiples, review by David Briers 46/229; recollection by Lynda Morris 42/ 284 ; review by Deborah Schultz 21/ 285
  • Bevan, Oliver Art Education 33/59; review by Clare Rendell 18/70
  • Bevan, Tony review by Alex MacGregor 13/45, Brandon Taylor 16/112, Simon Morley 31/201
  • Beyond and the Ridiculous, The review by Mark Durden 20/207
  • Beyond Appropriation Art see Mark Prince
  • Beyond Infinity feature by Alex Coles 1/248
  • Beyond Paradise: Nordic Artists Travel East review by Sachiko Namba 36/255
  • Beyond Public Art see Mark Wilsher
  • Beyond Reason: Art and Psychosis review by Cathy Courtney 40/205
  • Beyond the Endgame: Abstract Painting in Manchester review by Dan Smith 30/270
  • Bhabha, Homi Contemporary Indian Art 7/61; book review of Kwesi Owusu (ed), Storms of the Heart 5/121; with Iverson, Margaret, Crimp, Douglas Mary Kelly, book review by Maria Walsh 42/211
  • Bhimji, Zarina inserts in QJM,review by Stephen Bury 39/217 Sally O‚ÄôReilly 31/297
  • Bick, Andrew review of A Rational Aesthetic: The Systems Group and Associated Artists 22/314
  • Bick, Andrew and Hollander, Gad The Palaver,review by Cathy Courtney 38/224
  • Bickers, Patricia conversation with Richard Deacon 17/83; Elizabeth Frink 3/86, Of Competitions 11/88; letters 21/88; review of Afterimages: David Smith‚Äôs spray images 17/89, Artangel and Interim Art 18/89, Twenty-five years at Juda Rowan 8/92, Daniel Buren 13/94, Donald Judd 20/95, In Tandem 11/97; book review of Anne Middleton Wagner, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Sculpture of the Second Empire 27/101; review of Qu‚Äôest-ce que la sculpture moderne? 19/102, Bruce Nauman 12/104, Tony Cragg 12/105, Richard Deacon 12/106, Arcangelo 22/106, German Abstract Artists 20/108, Cy Twombly 17/111; Tony Cragg 5/119;review of Rachel Whiteread 15/144, Amikam Toren 18/145, Safe 20/152; letters 27/154; interviews with Richard Deacon 3/160, Richard Serra 3/161, Claes Oldenburg 3/171, Jeff Wall 3/179; review of Drawing the Line 40/189; interview with Anya Gallaccio 3/195; Un si√®cle de sculpture anglaise 3/199; interview with Steve McQueen 1/202; obituary of Dan Flavin 19/203; interview with John McCracken 1/204; review of 47th Venice Biennale 1997 1/208; Sense & Sensation: on dealing futures in art 1/211; letters 13/213; review of Berlin/Berlin: 1st Berlin Biennale 1/222; ‚Äò2000 and What?‚Äô 2/232, ‚ÄòThe Curator Also Rises‚Äô on Tate Modern 1/238; review of Sydney Biennale 2000 24/238 ; Mixed Messages, interview with Hans Haacke 1/244; No Man‚Äôs Land, interview with Ed Ruscha 1/252 Marriage √† la Mode, feature on art and fashion 1/261, Hung up on Hesse, feature on Eva Hesse 1/263 , Angry White Man: feature on Sigmar Polke 1/271; obituary of Nell Wendler 19/272; review of Donald Judd 29/ 275 ; Triple Bluff: Mike Nelson interview 1/ 278 ; review of John Baldessari 25/ 292 Bruce Nauman 20/298 feature interview with Glenn Ligon 1/317; Letter from Jordan 38/319; The Future of Art Education special issue feature 1/320; review of 53rd Venice Biennale 24/328, Ed Ruscha: Fifty Years of Painting 20/332
  • Bicknell, John art in Athens 35/147
  • Bieber, Susanne review of Daphne Wright 34/272
  • Biederman, Charles Search for New Arts,book review by Alistair Grieve 25/61
  • Biennale Inc. see Marcus Verhagen
  • Biennale Round-up Sally Lai 32/301
  • biennials see Pryle Behrman
  • Big O, The David Dye, interview by Stuart Morgan 6/144
  • Big Screen, The review of Scream and Scream Again by Catherine Elwes 11/199
  • Biggs, Ian Polemics 28/66
  • Bill, Max review by Astrid Schmetterling 19/153
  • Billcliffe, Roger The Glasgow Boys,book review by Colin Cruise 29/97
  • Billing, Johanna review by Martin Herbert 30/304
  • Billingham, Richard review by Gilda Williams 31/199, Stewart Home 45/238 Rikke Hansen 20/302
  • Bird, Jon A discussion with Terry Atkinson 8/67; review of Hans Haacke 15/74; New York 9/78; Leon Golub 10/83; letters 20/87, 21/88
  • Bird, Jon and Newman, Michael(eds) Rewriting Conceptual Art,book review by Jonathan Harris 51/234
  • Bird, Nicky review of Alison Marchant, Living Room 49/218, Hot in the City, The Queen is Dead, Where the Wild Roses Grow 38/225, E.S.P. 27/227, Atelier van Lieshout 41/230, Clare Charnley, Nothing like this 51/232, Become Like Me 38/234, Roderick Buchanan 37/243; letters 15/244; review of Wendy Ewald 39/244, Trauma 48/249, Words and Things, Tracey Mackenna & Edwin Janssen 48/252 Bird, Nicky review of Con Art 27/255, Chrisopher Wool, 35/266, The Lost Collection of an Invisible Man 25/265 Strangers to Ourselves 35/ 273 , Terminal Frontiers 25/ 280 , Ellen Gallagher 24/ 283 , Barbara Kruger 29/ 289 Graham Fagen 28/302, Christine Borland 28/303
  • Birmingham review by Mark Beasley 41/249
  • Birnbaum, Daniel Making Worlds, review by Lisa Le Feuvre 25/328
  • Birnbaum, Daniel and Graw, Isabelle (eds) Canvases and Careers Today: Criticism and its Markets, book review by Alex Coles 33/330
  • Birtwistle, Graham Living Art. Asger Jorn‚Äôs comprehensive theory of art between Helhesten and Cobra (1946-49),book review by Peter Shield 26/104
  • Bismuth, Pierre review by Robert Garnett 37/201, Juan Cruz 22/215
  • Bismuth, Pierre and Gondry, Michel: The All-Seeing Eye review by Eliza Williams 34/322
  • Bismuth, Pierre/Monk, Jonathan review by Morgan Falconer 21/264
  • Bissier, Julius review by Anthony Everitt 18/7
  • Bistritsa, Babi and Huws, Bethan review of A Work for the North Sea by Michael Archer 20/169
  • Biswas, Sutapa A Moment in Time: The Presence of Black Women 11/123; review by Ian Connolly Hunt 27/162
  • Bit Streams review by Michael Gibbs 51/247
  • Bitter Truth: Avant-Garde Art Show review by Chris Stephens 29/181
  • Black Art Gallery back page/161, 162
  • Black Audio Film Collective review by Ian Hunt 31/304
  • Black Markets review by Eddie Chambers 31/148
  • Blain, Dominique review by Elisabeth Mahoney 37/216
  • Blair, Louise review by Monica Petzal 15/87
  • Blais, Jean-Charles review by Margaret Garlake 11/90
  • Black Square see Joseph Masheck
  • Blais, Joline & Ippolito, Jon At the Edge of Art, book review by Michael Gibbs 48/296
  • Blake, John 600 Eyes for Krysztofory: Their Eyes, review by Cathy Courtney 29/120; review by Jeff Instone 26/129
  • Blake, Nigel review of Hans Hofmann 7/119
  • Blake, Peter review by Paul Overy 12/64, Peter Fuller 13/64
  • Blaker, Helena review of Performa05 40/293
  • Blandy, David: Crossroads review by David Trigg 35/327
  • Blast to Freeze: British Art in the 20th Century review by Margaret Garlake 23/265
  • Blazwick, Iwona interview with Willie Doherty 3/172; review of Lucia Nogueira 33/177, Douglas Gordon 34/183; An Anatomy of the Interview 15/200; review of Citt√† Natura 7/207, M√ºnster Skulptur. Projekte 7/209, Mercosul Biennial, Brazil 9/212; on new photography 6/221; book review of Mary Anne Staniszewski, The Power of Display: A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art 49/227; on art in the new millennium 9/232; review of 49th Venice Biennale 30/248; Beauty Rears Its Ugly Head Again: report on the College Arts Association conference 44/265; review of Istanbul Biennial 9 18/ 291 Taking responsibility: feature interview with Martha Rosler 1/314; report on Undoing the Aesthetic Image conference 37/325
  • Bleckner, Ross review by Michael Archer 16/118, Jeffrey Kastner 28/187, Alex Coles 31/242
  • Blissett, Luther and Home, Stewart Green Apocalypse, book review by Simon Ford 43/198
  • Bloch, Martin review by Frances Spalding 9/76
  • Blood Show, The review by Michael Wilson 25/229
  • Bloom, Barbara review by Stella Santacatterina 22/139, Michael Wilson 43/247
  • Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2001 review by Dan Smith 38/250 review by Martin Vincent 30/269, Martin Herbert 27/ 281
  • Blotkamp, Carel De Stijl, the Formative Years,book review by Stephen Bann 23/109
  • Blow, Sandra obituary 23/300
  • Blue Chamber, The review by Laura Moffatt 39/235
  • Blue Cow Madness: Expo ‚Äò92 by Margaret Garlake 29/158
  • Blue Suburban Skies review by Dave Beech 44/232
  • Blume, Anna and Bernhard review by Philip Sanderson 32/193
  • Blunt, Anthony Blunt Revealed by Cathy Courtney 16/162; letters 32/163
  • Blurring the Boundaries Andrew Cross on 1/205
  • Boden, Roland/ Heger, Swetlana/ Crowe, Nick review by Dave Beech 35/260
  • Bochner, Mel review by Marjorie Welish 32/298
  • Bock, John review by Sarah James 35/ 281
  • Boettger, Suzaan Earthworks: Art and the Landscape of the Sixties, book review by Jeffrey Kastner 35/271
  • Boetti e Alighiero review by Nina Mehta 22/231
  • Bogart, Michele H Artists, Advertising, and the Borders of Art,book review by John A Walker 45/196
  • Bogside Artists review by Ian White 39/270
  • B√∂hm, Kathrin profile by Alex Coles 24/247
  • Bohm-Duchen, Monica Jean Dubuffet 14/71; review of Mario Dubsky 19/77, Bianchi/ Ceccobelli/Dessi/Gallo 23/102, Brisley/ Currie/Glenys Johnson/Wallinger 13/104, Lijn/Ackling/Wentworth/Deacon 19/106, A World‚Äôs Waste: Cumbria, Sellafield and nuclear reprocessing 18/109, Spring ‚Äò68 19/117, Liliane Lijn, Jean Gibson, Harriet Bell 23/139, Five Artists from Israel 20/142; book reviews of Brandon Taylor and Wilfried van der Will (eds), The Nazification of Art 30/148, Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Depiction and Interpretation: The Influence of the Holocaust 32/174; review of Liliane Lijn 49/238
  • Bois, Yve-Alain and Krauss, Rosalind E Formless: A User‚Äôs Guide,book review by Mark Durden 40/224
  • Bois, Yve-Alain; Foster, Hal; Krauss, Rosalind and Buchloh, Benjamin HD Art Since 1900: modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism , book review by Richard Noble 38/ 289
  • Boland Roberts, Rosalind de (ed), Growing up with the Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet,book review by Nicholas Wadley 23/115
  • Boland, David Polemics 28/65; Body Art: Cheap Thrills 42/192
  • Boltanski, Christian review by Greg Hilty 16/137, Mark Durden 26/162, Euan McArthur 33/178
  • Bomberg, David review by Charles Spencer 8/31, Margaret Garlake 19/86, 3/107, Ghisha Koenig and Terence Scales 11/114
  • Bomberg, Lilian tribute by Richard Cork 20/67
  • Bonami, Francesco on art in the new millennium 5/232; (ed) Echoes: Contemporary Art in the Age of Endless Conclusions,book review by Liam Gillick 41/205
  • Bonaventura, Paul interview with Mark Wallinger 3/175; review of Richard Wentworth 12/182; profile of Gillian Wearing 24/184; profile by Keith Wilson 20/204
  • Bond, Henry review by David Barrett 33/217
  • Bond, Henry and Gillick, Liam review by Ian Jeffrey 11/144; letters 28/145
  • Bonfire of the Vanities see JJ Charlesworth
  • Bongard, Dr Willy by Frank Whitford 2/73
  • Bonvicini, Monica review by Cherry Smyth 37/269
  • Booker, Alex review by Margaret Garlake 17/71
  • Booth, Colin Where the Parties Stand on the Arts 12/24
  • Boredomreview by Michael Gibbs 43/215
  • Borland, Christine review by Michael Archer 23/165, Andrew Wilson 36/181, Sotiris Kyriacou 33/207, Elisabeth Mahoney 34/233, Maria Walsh 36 /275, Nicky Bird 28/303
  • Borovsky, Alexandre Art in Leningrad 7/137
  • Borrowed Image review by Mark Durden 34/190
  • Borzello, Frances Seeing Ourselves, women‚Äôs self-portraits,book review by Maria Walsh 41/226
  • Bosch, Annette van der Sydney Biennale 4/77; The Provincialism Problem 9/86
  • Boshier, Christine review by William Jeffett 38/186
  • Boshier, Derek review by Paul Kopocek 18/48, Margaret Garlake 13/63, Marco Livingstone 3/90
  • Boule to Braid review by Mark Prince 19/329
  • Bourgeois, Louise review by Mark Sladen 35/192
  • Bourriaud, Nicholas see Dave Beech
  • Bourseiller, Christophe La Vie et Mort de Guy Debord,book review by Lucy Forsyth 51/240
  • Bouvet, Francis Bonnard: The Complete Graphic Works,book review by John Glaves-Smith 28/52
  • Bowen, Denis review by Margaret Garlake 28/132; obituary of Aubrey Williams 35/137, obituary by Margaret Garlake 18/297
  • Bowen, Stella Drawn from Life,book review by Adrian Heath 27/82
  • Bowling, Frank review by Martin Green 17/7, Mel Gooding 16/94, Margaret Garlake 20/119, Ian Hunt 39/192, obituary of Peter Townsend 16/299
  • Bowness, Alan letters 26/95; Tate interview 3/120, obituary of Peter Townsend 15/299
  • Boxer review by Piers Masterson 34/189
  • Boyce, Martin review by Michael Archer 34/185
  • Boyce, Sonia review by Eddie Chambers 26/215 review by Colin Glen 23/331
  • Boyce, Sonia; Bailey, David A and Baucom, Ian eds) Shades of Black, Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain , book review by Eddie Chambers 46/ 288, review by David Ryan 40/307
  • Boyd and Evans review by Mel Gooding 13/98
  • Boyd, William Nat Tate. An American Artist: 1928-1960,book review by Emily Ormond 50/218
  • Boyle family interviewed by Henry Lydiate 6/101
  • Boyle Family review by David Briers 26/270
  • Boyle, Mark review by Willis Domingo 14/12; obituary by Patrick Elliott 17/ 287
  • Boyles, Denis Letter from New York 24/8
  • Bracewell, Michael The Nineties; When Surface Was Depth, book review by Marcus Verhagen 43/266; book review of Marco Livingstone, British Pop 38/301, Mark Francis and Hal Foster (eds) Pop 38/301 review of George Shaw: Woodsman 33/325, Richard Hamilton: Toaster Deluxe 27/327
  • Bracewell, Michael / Forster, Richard review by Stephen Bury 37/328
  • Bracewell, Michael and Linder I Know Where I‚Äôm Going: A Guide to Morecambe & Heysham, review by Stephen Bury 39/ 274
  • Braden, Sue Artists and People,book review by Shaun Taylor 27/34
  • Brades, Peter review of Painting Space-Gallery Space, Malcolm Hughes 17/124
  • Bradley, Alexandra review of Hilary Lloyd 27/231, This Season 38/232
  • Bradley, Fiona Surrealism,book review by Toni del Renzio 40/214
  • Bradley, Jyll Mr Roscoe’s Garden review by Stephen Bury 37/328
  • Bradshaw, Philippe obituary 17/ 291
  • Bradshaw, Stuart review of Mali Morris 19/89
  • Brady, Dan The Trial, review by Stephen Bury 43/270
  • Bragg, Melvyn review by Kevin Gough-Yates 35/48; Broadcast TV 3/74
  • Brakhage, Stan obituary 16/265
  • Bramly, Serge & Rheims, Bettine Deke Dusinberre on 1/235
  • Branca, Alba Muse,book review by Emily Ormond 50/218
  • Brancusi, Constantin review by Simon Morley 16/188
  • Brand Art see Vincent P√©coil
  • Brandley, Daniel review of Traces by Cathy Courtney 17/112
  • Branson, Doug review by Robert Garnett 25/182
  • Braque, Georges Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism,book review by David Lomas 20/135
  • Brauer, Fay Polemics 26/87; Sponsorship 35/88; letters 21/88; review of Evelyn Williams 7/90; Tate Sponsorship 2/91; Socialist Realism Reviewed 10/93; book review of Christopher Green, Cubism and its enemies 25/119; review of Sydney Biennale 21/101, 17/163
  • Brauner, Victor review by Clio Mitchell 17/110
  • Bread and Circuses see Peter Scott
  • Breakwell, Ian review by Peter Fuller 16/21; A Personal History 3/40; review by Paul Overy 16/45; From a Cambridge Diary Part 1 6/56, Part 2 8/57, Part 3 8/58; book review of Anthony Earnshaw, Flick Knives and Forks 28/62; Witness - More Diary Extracts 1976-82,book review by Paul Hammond 27/63; letters 25/72, Cathy Courtney 28/99; Vocals, review by Paul Claydon 41/ 279; obituary by Clive Phillpot 19/ 292; review by Eliza Williams 33/295
  • Brecht, George review by Anna Dezeuze 26/ 291
  • Breitz, Candice review by Jean Wainwright 18/271
  • Brener, Alexander/Schurz, Barbara Bukaka Spat Here, review by Tony White 41/260
  • Brennan, Cecily profile by Jaki Irvine 20/306
  • Brennan, Tim The A-Z of Nowhere, profile by Dave Beech 18/264; review by Sotiris Kyriacou 21/301
  • Breton, Andr√© Beaubourg, review by Sarah Wilson 13/147
  • Brett, David review of Alan Smith 20/147
  • Brett, Guy An Art officer 1/7; Pains of a Panel Member 14/10; review of Georgina Hunt 27/18; All That Glitters ... 4/25; Just What is Modernism? 32/32; review of Susan Hiller 15/34; Signs 2/36; What is Tradition? 2/38; review of Lea Lublin 10/40, David Medalla 10/45, Maty Grunberg 17/45, Susan Hiller 7/66; The Live Weekend 10/69, Andrew Stahl 21/79; letters 23/83; Paintings of Hiroshima 7/88; review of Carlyle Reedy 12/93, Rasheed Araeen 19/94, Staging the self 24/102; book review of Nelly Richard, Margins and Institutions: Art in Chile since 1973 27/104; Through our own eyes: popular art and modern history, book review by Colin Cruise 32/105; Rivera and Kahlo 7/109; Depicting History: For Today 19/120; review of Kumiko Shimizu 17/115, 1989 Sao Paulo Biennale 20/132; Changing Places: review of Martha Fleming with Lyne Lapointe 30/200; review of Rose Finn-Kelcey 36/212; Carnival of Perception: Selected Writings on Art, book review by Ian Hunt 36/ 283
  • Breuer, Frank review by Marcus Verhagen 34/268
  • Brick Lane Open back page/160; letters 33/161
  • Bricks Abstract, The Carl Andre 16/164
  • Brickwood, Cathy and van Mourik, Julia (eds) New Media Culture in Europe, book review by Michael Gibbs 43/226
  • Briers, David review of Bath Festival 19/48; Art in Wales 12/125; review of Star Dot Star 50/219, Chemical Traces 20/220; on Rethinking the Avant-Garde conference 47/222; review of Acoustic Shadows 34/226, Joseph Beuys multiples 46/229, babel 39/230, TOOT 41/232, Audible Light 42/234; letters 16/235; review of Zero Gravity 43/236, Breda Beban 35/238, ManMoMA 28/240, Small Battles and Goethe‚Äôs Oak Has Woodworm 38/241, The Idea of North 48/242, Home (Between 8 and 10pm) 43/244, Jo Lansley & Helen Bendon 37/246, Janet Cardiff 45/252 book review of Martin Rogers and Simon Cutts (eds), The Printed Performance: Brian Lane Works 1966‚Äì99 41/254; review of Richard Wilson: Irons in the Fire 24/255, Tony Kemplen 43/268, Boyle Family 26/270, Other Criteria 29/272 review of Independents 04 25/ 281, artists‚Äô magazines 37/ 283 , The Text, Bob Cobbing 21/ 287 , Something of the Night 38/ 292, Insignificance: feature on Making History documentary exhibition 7/295; review of The Impossible Theatre 47/296; book review of Tom Sandqvist, Dada East: The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire 46/300, IRWIN (ed) East Art Map: Contemporary Art & Eastern Europe 46/300; review of Cornelia Parker 26/301, Carl Plackman 33/304, Re- 18/305, Centre of the Creative Universe 25/306, Iceland 39/311 Art & Music: feature 11/313; book review of Lisa Tickner, Hornsey 1968: The Art School Revolution 40/316; profile Qiu Anxiong 18/317; review of Isamu Noguchi 27/320, Liverpool Biennial 30/321, Fluxus: The Dream of George Maciunas 22/324, Subversive Spaces 24/325; book review of Ian Walker, So exotic, so homemade: Surrealism, Englishness and Documentary Photography 38/326; review of The Agency of Words 22/329
  • Brighton, Andrew obituary of Peter Townsend 14/299
  • Brighton Photo Biennial 2008 review by Clare Grafik 40/322
  • Bright, Kate review by Martin Herbert 24/269
  • Brighton, Andrew William Coldstream 23/2; Towards Another Picture, book review by Leslie Waddington 34/15; Great Victorian Pictures 25/18; The Specialness of Art and Artists 3/21; review of Kandinsky 10/32, Andrew Wyeth 3/3, Mayakovsky 12/55; book review of Lawrence Gowing, Lucian Freud 25/63; review of Tolly Cobbold 5/71, Lucian Freud 9/72; Beckmann and Art from the GDR 15/78; The Hard Won Image 16/79; British Art Show 6/82; review of Peter Greenham 12/84; Payments for Artists 2/86; review of Francis Bacon 3/88, Edward Burra 12/89; Polemics 30/96; book review of Tony Godfrey, The New Image: Painting in the ‚Äò80s 30/100; British Art in the 20th Century 4/103; letters 23/105, 28/105, 30/106; Palls, Shrouds, Sudaria: Arturo Di Stefano 18/112; Polemics 37/112; letters 25/113; review of Lucian Freud 13/114; letters 25/114, 21/115; Envoi 39/119, 39/120, 39/121, 39/124, 39/125; book review of Robert Hughes, Frank Auerbach 10/141
  • Brilliant! review by Jeffrey Kastner 10/192
  • Brisley, Stuart review by John Roberts 5/46, 15/100; Polemics 29/62; letters 20/87; review by Monica Bohm-Duchen 13/104, Ian Hunt 26/198, Beyond Reason: Ordure, review by Paul Claydon 40/277 Crossings review by Colin Perry 26/315
  • British avant-garde film see Maxa Zoller
  • Britain in Brussels Festival 1992 review by Andrew Wilson 8/162
  • British Art Show review by Andrew Brighton 12/82, Dennis Farr 2/138
  • British Art Show 4 review by Robert Garnett 27/192
  • British Art Show 5 review by Ian Hunt 30/236; Alex Farquharson on 1/242; British Art Show 6 review by Sarah James 20/ 291
  • British Avant Garde: The Twenties, British Avant Garde: The Thirtiesfilm review by Emma Smith 49/244
  • British Rubbish review by David Burrows 45/199
  • Broadcast TV Tamara Krikorian 9/73; Melvyn Bragg 3/74
  • Broadcast Yourself review by Paul Usherwood 33/315
  • Bronstein, Pablo A Guide to Postmodern Architecture in London, Ornamental Designs for the Framing of Doors, review by Lucy Steeds 42/318
  • Broodthaers, Marcel Roll of Honour by Richard Hamilton 3/1; review by John McEwen 2/6, Pat Gilmour 16/6, Mark Thomson 15/153, Deborah Schultz 23/207 review by Deborah Schultz 27/314
  • Brook, Donald book review of Richard Cork, The Social Role of Art 21/37, Brandon Taylor (ed), Art and Criticism 29/39, Peter Fuller, Seeing Berger: a Revaluation and Beyond the Crisis in Art, John Berger, About Looking 28/45; An Aesthetic Experience 2/46; book reviews of Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida 24/55, Peter Fuller, Aesthetics after Modernism 2/57; Exemplary Objects 2/61; Reflections on the State of the Art 3/72; book review of Brandon Taylor, Modernism, Post-Modernism, Realism 30/108; letters 20/109, 25/111
  • Brooks, Barry review by Margaret Garlake 18/80
  • Brooks, Liz book reviews of E Agar and A Lambirth, A Look at My Life 27/121, Janet Kaplan, Unexpected Journeys: The Art and Life of Remedios Varo 30/123, Jacques Derrida, The Truth in Painting 27/120; review of FE McWilliam 19/127
  • Brooks, Rosetta review of Bruce Robbins 22/4
  • Brougher, Kerry on art in the new millennium 9/232
  • Brouwn, Stanley review by Axel Lapp 27/245
  • Browett, Michael What Fields of Art Study Belong to Fine Art? 32/33
  • Brown, Carolyn Chance and Circumstance: Twenty Years with Cage and Cunningham, book review by David Ryan 36/315
  • Brown, David Van Abbemuseum 21/4; Roger Hilton 16/6; book reviews of Giles Auty, The Art of Self-Deception 18/12, Charles Harrison, English Art and Modernism 25/46; letters 22/105
  • Brown, Don review by David Barrett 34/210
  • Brown, Gavin review by David Barrett 28/191
  • Brown, Glenn Painting Paintings: interview with David Trigg 1/325
  • Brown, Katrina M review of Sawn Off 40/196
  • Brown, Neal book review of Steve Baker, The Postmodern Animal 45/237
  • Bruant, Jean Baptiste review by David Barrett 28/191
  • Brucker, Johanna see Andrew Wilson
  • Bruggen, Coosje van with Claes Oldenburg, interview by Patricia Bickers 3/171
  • Brunskill, Ian review of Cologne Art Fair 13/122
  • Bruszewski, Wojciech obituary 16/330
  • Bryars, Gavin & Mu√±oz, Juan review by Juan Cruz 30/211
  • Bryson, Norman Visions and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze, book review by Bernard Denvir 25/70
  • BT New Contemporaries review by Catherine Elwes 36/177
  • Bublex, Alain portrait by Jean-Max Colard 14/215
  • Buchanan, Roderick profile by Gilda Williams 24/209; review by Nicky Bird 37/243, Gilda Williams 28/291, James Clegg 32/307
  • B√ºchel, Christoph v Mass MoCA see Artlaw
  • B√ºchler, Pavel Ghost Stories: stray thoughts on photography and film, book review by Ian Hunt 54/228 Nick Crowe 37/ 279, Barnaby Drabble 21/303
  • Büchler, Pavel and Siegelaub, Seth future of art education 4/320
  • Buchloh, Benjamin Magazine Mentality and the Market 4/1; West-Kunst, Modernism‚Äôs Restkunst? 3/50; Michael Archer on 1/250
  • Buchloh, Benjamin; Foster, Hal; Krauss, Rosalind and Bois, Yve-Alain Art Since 1900: modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism , book review by Richard Noble 38/ 289
  • Buchmann, Sabeth and Alberro, Alexander (eds) Art After Conceptual Art, book review by Mike Sperlinger 41/311
  • Buckingham, Les letters 25/120
  • Buckingham, Matthew review by John Slyce 23/307
  • Buckle, Don T review of Art and Chess 2/143
  • Buckle, Harry T Art Education 33/83
  • Buckley, Carmel review by Maria Walsh 27/229
  • Buckley, Carmel/Harris, Mark review by Maria Walsh 27/229
  • Buckley, Stephen interview by Frances Spalding 8/85
  • Buenos Aires Frederick Ted Castle on 18/229
  • Bulatov, Erik interview by William Furlong 12/125
  • Bulgaria, letter from by David Reason 33/148
  • Bulloch, Angela review by Andrew Cross 25/202; Rule Book, review by Alison Green 54/242; interview with Maria Walsh 1/292
  • Burden, Chris review by Alex MacGregor 9/46, David Barrett 25/226, Mark Harris 52/200, Paul Usherwood 27/ 289 ; see also Martin Patrick
  • Buren, Daniel review by Willis Domingo 27/2, Patricia Bickers 13/94, Deke Dusinberre 12/107; Working with Shadows, Working with Words conversation with Seth Siegelaub, Deke Dusinberre and Michel Claura 3/122; review by Andrew Wilson 21/198, Teresa Gleadowe 36/302
  • Bures Miller, George and Cardiff, Janet: The House of Books Has No Windows review by Stephen Lee 32/322
  • Burgin, Victor review by Peter Smith 21/2, Tony Godfrey 16/96, Brian Hatton 29/199; In/Different Spaces and Some Cities, book review by Mark Durden 40/203; review by John Slyce 28/247, review by John Slyce 25/261
  • Burke, Janine Raising Hell and Telling Stories: conversation with John Berger 3/124
  • Burke, Ursula & Jewesbury, Daniel Archive: Lisburn Road: the material culture of a Belfast suburb , review by Stephen Bury 33/ 285
  • Burkhauser, Jude on Glasgow Gallery debate 31/143
  • Burki, Marie Jos√©/H√∂ller, Carsten review by Gilda Williams 43/216
  • Burn, Ian review of Sydney Biennale 6/138
  • Burnett, Craig review of Jon Pylypchuk 29/ 274 ; feature on The Art of Play 1/ 279 ; review of Liverpool Biennial 23/ 281 ; feature on The Beastly Real 1/ 289 ; feature on The Invisible Curator 1/ 291 ; book review of Jeremy Millar and Tacita Dean, Place 41/ 292
  • Burnett, Ron How Images Think, review by Michael Gibbs 45/ 282
  • Burns, Bill New British Sculpture Part 1 12/98; review of Tony Bevan 13/101
  • Burns, Charles Black Hole, review by James Pyman 37/297
  • Burr, Tom review by Pablo Lafuente 31/267
  • Burra, Edward review by Martin Green 14/8, Andrew Brighton 12/89
  • Burroughs, William review by Margaret Garlake 18/136
  • Burrows, David review of Mike Nelson 28/194, Bob & Roberta Smith 32/195, Jonathan Monk 30/196, I beg to differ 32/197, Adam Chodzko 28/198, Yerself is Steam, Banana Republic, Strange Days, How will we behave?, Rebecca Warren & Fergal Stapleton, British Rubbish 45/199, Stewart Home 58/200; letters 18/201; review by Robert Garnett 39/201; review of Popoccultural 33/202, Ade Adekola/Yinka Shonibare/Mark Wallinger 31/203; letters 15/204; review of Mark Silva 39/204, Markus Muntean & Adi Rosenblum 23/205, Collected 21/207, Kate Smith 34/207, Low Maintenance & High Precision 39/209, Bob & Roberta Smith 31/210, Pictures of L
  • Bury, Stephen review of Jyll Bradley, Mr Roscoe’s Garden 37/328, Victoria Halford and Steve Beard Czar 52 Crash 37/328, Susan Hiller, Auras: homage to Marcel Duchamp/levitations: homage to Yves Klein 37/328, Franz Kafka, Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor, images by David Musgrave 37/328, Simon Lewandowski, 100 things with handles 37/328, Richard Forster / Michael Bracewell 37/328, Bram Stoker, Dracula 37/328; obituary of David Troostwyk 19/331
  • Bute, Mary Ellen review by Sophia Phoca 37/319
  • Byam Shaw School of Art student protest letters 14/325, 17/326, 19/327
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